Style: PAC II
Overall Length: 21”
Design Features: Most Popular
Hood Specifications: Long notched shoulder bib design
Head Layers of Material: 2
Outer Material: Ultra CarbonKnight
Inner Material: Ultra CarbonKnight
Bib Layers of Material: 2
Outer Material: Ultra CarbonKnight
Inner Material: Ultra CarbonKnight
*Please note: Any customization or modification not done by Majestic Fire Apparel will void the hood’s warranty and void the NFPA compliance of the hood.
Material Specs
Download the specifications sheet by clicking the link below:
Style Specs
Download the specifications sheet by clicking the link below:

Refer to Spec Sheets - All "PAC" Series hoods are UL Certified to meet or exceed the current hood requirements of NFPA 1971
MAJESTIC FIRE APPAREL is able to customize your hood by adding your name, badge number, fire department name, logo. Please contact us for further information.
PLEASE NOTE: Any aftermarket customization or modification done to a Majestic Fire Apparel hood by any other company beyond MFA (the original manufacturer) will VOID the warranty and will also VOID the NFPA compliancy of the hood.